Author : tntmarkedcards_c

Types of Poker Analyzers

In the poker analyzer system, a scan cameras are utilized for capturing image data of the side barcode engraved deck of cards, and then transfer it to the poker winner analyzer via signals. The resulting receivers may be vibrators, spy mini earpiece or even time modes of cell phone. In the range of 20-40cm within […]

What is a Poker Analyzer?

Imagine playing poker, and a microphone is tucked within the ear of yours. It will report the results of each game and the winner. Poker analyzers make this possible. A poker analyzer is an electronic device on the go that can predict the winner and runner of a match even before it is over. It […]

Marked Cards For Sale

Cards that have been designed to be used for cheating have hidden markings on the back or sides of the cards. These markings permit magicians and poker players to determine the value, even when a card is lying on its face. Phoenix marked cards come with the back pattern which keeps magicians under suspicion. The […]

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