How to Read Invisible Ink For Poker Cards

How to read invisible ink for poker cards?

The video of a poker match has gone viral since the punters discovered that the host’s cards had invisible markings. The markings on the cards were only visible under a UV lamp, which led them to suspect that the host had been cheating. The host denied that he was cheating but he was still stunned by this revelation. He also seemed to be unsure how to respond to the information. Some commentators have defended the host saying that his reactions were an indication that he was not cheating but rather just stunned at what he had seen.

Invisible ink is a special kind of ink that can be used to mark poker cards with different methods. Some cards are marked using UV ink that only appears when they are exposed to light. Some are marked with invisible bar code ink, which only works when scanned by poker analyzers. This is a more complex type of marked card that can only be used for cheating in high stakes games.

GS marked card contact lenses suppliers are able to provide you with invisible poker ink that is detectable by different poker scanner cameras. Poker sunglasses with a hidden filter that detects infrared light can also detect the marked cards. These invisible ink glasses look like regular sunglasses, and are not detectable by other players. It is safe to wear these glasses as they will not charge your eyes color or harm them.

How to Read Invisible Ink For Poker Cards
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