Should Poker Player Glasses Be Banned?

Sunglasses are popular among poker players for a variety of reasons. Some players believe they can help hide tells from their opponents, while others find them to be an attractive accessory. A recent controversy involving a player wearing sunglasses at the World Series of Poker gave sunglasses a bad name in poker. This has led some top players, including Daniel Negreanu, to call for them to be banned during a game.

Some people believe that wearing sunglasses to a poker game can reveal a player’s hole card to other players. This is a myth because professional players never reveal anything to other players by the way they look at their cards. Instead, they bend their cards’ corners slightly to peek. In addition, many dealers and tournament coordinators use infrared technology and UV light to check for marked cards. This method would require cheaters to overcome many obstacles to be successful. They would also be easily detected by these devices.

Many top players wear sunglasses during a game because it is part of their routine. They wear sunglasses because they feel it gives them confidence and don’t want their opponents to read physical tells. Sunglasses protect the eyes from the excessive blue light emitted by poker tables and fluorescent lighting in poker room. This can cause eye strain, itching and other problems.

Should Poker Player Glasses Be Banned?
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