Focus on Acres: Video Poker Analyzer Gives Casinos Valuable Information

Focus on Acres: Video Poker Analyzer gives casinos valuable information to optimize marketing and operations

When Acres Manufacturing unveiled its Foundation casino management system and granular data capabilities at G2E last year, it had a thunderous impact on the global gaming industry. Now the company is delivering a powerful new app that leverages the same technology to provide casinos with a wealth of data about how players interact with their video poker machines.

The new Optimal Poker Analyzer app utilizes the power of Foundation to interrogate every decision made in a video poker game and grades the player’s actual in-hand play as a deviation from the expected return of an optimal strategy. The app is designed to work with any machine with the Foundation system installed, including multiple variants of video poker and doesn’t require a floor-wide installation.

Noah Acres, Vice President of Marketing for Acres Manufacturing, explains the value the new app provides to casinos.

Acres’ new Optimal Poker Analyzer analyzes each hand and calculates the best cards to hold for that particular hand. It compares the odds to win with the cards held and then provides the best strategy to maximize a player’s chances of winning. The software calculates the odds of winning each hand according to the amount the player is likely to win.

It’s no secret that skilled players – sometimes known as advantage players – can generate positive expected returns that cause casinos to lose money, especially when they are incentivized with rewards or other offers. Casinos are often unaware of how many players are advantage players or whether they are playing at their properties.

A second problem is that casinos exclude video poker from their loyalty programs or players clubs, or reduce the value of points awarded in comparison to a traditional video slot or reel machine. As a result, it is very difficult for a casino’s marketing division to cultivate a video poker audience.

Using Acres’ patented technologies, the Optimal Poker Analyzer App solves both these problems for operators. It collects valuable information about the video poker players that casinos are already targeting, enabling them to further refine and develop their promotional efforts. The app can even be used to help create personalized videos that offer players additional bonuses based on their individual behavior. The Optimal Poker Analyzer app is available now through the App Store for $4.99. For more information please visit, or call (800 625-8736. Acres will also be exhibiting at G2E with its revolutionary mobile cashless platform, Cashless Casino, and Precision Bonusing – an industry-first bonusing solution that takes casino promotions to the next level and increases customer engagement.

Focus on Acres: Video Poker Analyzer Gives Casinos Valuable Information
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